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FIRST - Financial Services EQF Translators in EU

Projektpersonal der HWR

Seyfried, Erwin, Professor Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   


Foundation Warsaw Institute of Banking
Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland
Romanian Banking Insitute
Instituto de Formacao Bancaria
Institute of Financel Services
European Banking and Financial Service Training Association EBTN



The project FIRST comes as the logical development of what has been produced and experienced during the project €qualifise. The Financial Services Sector has a clear need to re-establish trust and valorise new competences. In order to do so it is fundamental to valorise the non-formal/informal learning, promote and reward those competences acquired during the work processes and create new opportunities for workers’ mobility in the sector. The key instrument to obtain these objectives resides in the application and the promotion of the EQF as a valuable framework to redesign and create competence based qualifications in the FS sector. The EQF will be translated into a set of descriptors and concrete examples related to the sector practice in order to facilitate the adoption and the understanding of the framework and to motivate qualification providers to apply it for their new qualifications. The project is addressing the FS sector, but its “sectorialisation” approach to make EQF more appealing and usable it’s potentially relevant to all other sectors, whose representatives will be involved during the project development. At the same time the project FIRST will create a tight link with the NQF in order to promote a positive cooperation for the creation of shared solutions.

Finally the intensive dissemination activity that aims at raising awareness about the EQF and the FS EQF Translator will create a wider European network that will represent a concrete opportunity for the adoption of the framework Europe-wide.


Geldgeber/-in Förderprogramm Freitext
Europäische Kommission Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013


Projekttitel FIRST - Financial Services EQF Translators in EU
Akronym FIRST
ausführlicher Projekttitel
Projekttitel (English)
Laufzeit von 01.02.2010
Laufzeit bis 31.07.2011
HWR-interne Kostenträgernummer
Projekt-URL http://www.firstebtn.eu/
Projekttyp Verbundvorhaben
Rolle der HWR bei Verbundvorhaben Partner
ggf. Aktenzeichen/Förderkennzeichen des Mittelgebers
Status abgeschlossen
zur Veröffentlichung im Internet freigeben J
Änderungsdatum 07.12.2011 14:54:46

Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

Fachbereich 3 Allgemeine Verwaltung

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