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 Dörrenbächer , Christoph - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Nachname Dörrenbächer Geschlecht männlich
Vorname Christoph Sprechzeit Nach Absprache (bitte per e-mail)
Namenszusatz Personalstatus Hochschullehrer(in)
Titel Prof. Dr. Bemerkung
Akad. Grad Status intern


Einrichtung Funktion von bis Ergänzung
Fachbereich 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften Professor(in)


PLZ 10825 Telefon +49 (0)30 30877-1491
Ort Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 30877-
Straße Badensche Str. 50 - 51 E-Mail-Adresse doerrenbaecher@hwr-berlin.de
Dienstzimmer B 5.07 Hyperlink
Gebäude Haus B (Badensche) Sekretariat
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Fachbereich 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Zugeordnete Projekte

Mitbestimmung in ausländischen Unternehmen in Deutschland
Mitbestimmung in ausländischen Firmen: Betriebsrätebefragung
Die Rolle ausländischer Investoren für die sozio- ökonomische Entwicklung der Region Berlin-Brandenburg

Zugehörige Publikationen

Erscheinungsjahr 2022

Exploring the Janus-faced Nature of Gazelles’ Corporate Citizenship: Societally Engaged Gazelles versus Superstar Firms
Gazelle Policy Conundrums: Some Prudent Avenues for Supporting Gazelles in Germany
Leadership in High-Growth, Venture Capital-Funded Startups A Qualitative Study of Berlin-Based Firms
Setting the Scene and Marking the Trail for New Directions in Gazelle Research
Spotting Gazelles in Germany. Occurrence and Distribution of High-Growth Firms in Europe's Largest Economy
Taking Stock and Moving Forward: Some Concluding Remarks on Gazelle Firms and Gazelle Research
The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies: Gazelles
Funktionen ausblenden weitere zugehörige Publikationen

Erscheinungsjahr 2021

Contemporary Restructuring Trends in European Multinational Corporations: Rationale and Impact on Labour and Workers` Participatio
Developing parameters for the occurrence of modern slavery. Towards an empirical validation of Crane’s (2013) theory of modern slavery
From IMB to BPS: Institutional Heritage and the Purpose of Professionalism
The BPS Working Paper Series: A Look Ahead
The Covid-19 pandemic: towards a societally engaged IB perspective
The IMB Working Paper No. 100: Taking Stock and Moving Forward
Transtlantische Mergers of Equals. Perspektiven europäisch-amerikanischer Unternehmensfusionen
What shapes industrial relations in foreign affiliates? Comparative case study results from Germany

Erscheinungsjahr 2020

How TNC subsidiaries shine in world cities: policy implications of autonomy and network connections
Mitbestimmungsverhalten und Arbeitsbeziehungen in ausländischen Unternehmen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Management- und Betriebsräteumfrage

Erscheinungsjahr 2019

Critical and mainstream international business research: Making critical IB an integral part of a societally engaged international business discipline
Editorial: "Societally engaged, critical international business research: a programmatic view on the role and contribution of cpoib"
Mitbestimmung in ausländischen Unternehmen in Deutschland Mitbestimmungsverhalten, betriebliche Interessenvertretung, Interessenregulierung und Arbeitsbeziehungsmuster in ausländischen Unternehmen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Fallstudie

Erscheinungsjahr 2018

Cross-border standardisation and reorganization in European MNCs

Erscheinungsjahr 2017

Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: An introduction to post-millennium perspectives
Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post Millennium Perspectives
Organizational Identity and Firm Growth. Properties of Growth, Contextual Identities and Micro-Level Processes
Organizational Identity and Firm Growth: An Introduction
Organizational Identity and International Firm Growth: Some Theoretical Considerations
Organizational Identity in Management Consulting Firms: Professional Partnerships and Managed Professional Businesses Compared
Organizational Identity, Global Mindset and the Internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
The Link between Cultural Due Diligence and Socioculture Post-Merger Integration Managment as a Critical Success Factor in M&As
The Role of Shared Identity Projects in Fostering Regional Innovation and Growth
Tracing Gazelles: An Exploration into Identities of Rapidly Growing Companies

Erscheinungsjahr 2016

Advancing research on micropolitics in MNCs: An elite perspective
Advancing research on political issues in and around MNCs: The role of discursive sensemaking
Micropolitics in the Multinational Corporations: Foundations, Applications and New Directions
Renewing the call for critical perspectives on international business: towards a second decade of challenging the orthodox
Seminal contributions of the critical management school
Subsidiary Initiative-taking in Multinational Corporations: The Relationship between Power and Issue-selling
The Integration-Responsiveness Framework: A Review and Application of the Concept
Zooming in on politicking and issue selling tactics as new research directions for the study of micropolitics in MNCs

Erscheinungsjahr 2015

The Link between Cultural Due Diligence and Sociocultural Post-Merger Integration Management as a Critical Success Factor in M&As
Wirtschaftsfaktor, Drohkulisse, Handlungsspielräume

Erscheinungsjahr 2014

Challenging the Orthodox: A decade of critical perspectives on international business
Politics and power within multinational corporations: Mainstream studies, emerging critical approaches and suggestions for future research
Power and politics in multinational corporations: towards more effective workers' involvement
Subsidiary initiative-taking in multinational corporations: The role of issue selling tactics
The Effect of Private Equity Ownership on Management Practices: A research Agenda

Erscheinungsjahr 2013

Concession Bargaining in the Airline Industry: Ryanair's Policy of Route Relocation and Withdrawal
Managerial risk-taking in international acquisitions in the brewery industry: Institutional and ownership influences compared
Post-acquisition resource redeployment and synergy creation: the case of Heineken's large acquisitions Scottish & Newcastle and FEMSA
Staffing Foreign Subsidiaries with Parent Country Nationals or Host Country Nationals? Insights from European Subsidiaries
Subsidiary Initiative-taking in Multinational Corporations. The Role of Issue-selling Tactics
The Global Brewery Industry. Markets, Strategies and Rivalries
The dark side of the moon: Power and politics in the multinational Corporation
The demise of Anheuser-Busch: arrogance, hubris and strategic weakness in the face of intense internationalization

Erscheinungsjahr 2012

Autonomy, Networks and Subsidiary Performance
Characteristics of low-autonomy foreign subsidiaries: value chains, staffing, and intra-organizational relationships
Gelebte Werte
Managerial Risk-taking in International Acquisitions in the Brewery Industry: Institutional and Ownership Influences Compared
The Futures of critical perspectives on international business
The impact of increases in subsidiary autonomy and network relationships on performance
Tochterfirmen zu einem Aktivposten machen

Erscheinungsjahr 2011

An Organizational Politics Perspective on Intra-firm Competition in Multinational Corporations
Conflicts in Headquarters-subsidiary Relationships: The Case of Headquarters-driven Charter Losses at Foreign Subsidiaries
Effective Autonomy, Organisational Relationships and Skilled Jobs in Subsidiaries
Politics and Power in the Multinational Corporation. The Role of Institutions, Interests and Identitiesentities and Institutions
Politics and Power in the Multinational Corporation: An Introduction
Subsidiary power in the Multinational Corporation: On the subtle role of micro-political bargaining power

Erscheinungsjahr 2010

Konzerninterner Wettbewerb im Multinationalen Unternehmen: Eine organisationspolitische Skizze
Multinational Corporations, Inter-organizational networks and Subsidiary Charter Removals
Subsidiary staffing and initiative-taking in multinational corporations: A socio-political perspective

Erscheinungsjahr 2009

,Von der Macht der Schwächern'. Oder: Worauf sich Tochtergesellschaften in Auseinandersetzungen mit ihren Konzernzentralen stützen können
A micro-political perspective on subsidiary initiative-taking: Evidence from German-owned subsidiaries in France
Intra-firm competition in Multinational Corporations: Towards a political framework
Matrix structure
Micro-political Games in the Multinational Corporation: The case of Mandate Change
Micro-political strategies and strategizing in multinational corporations: the case of subsidiary mandate change
Subsidiary Brands as a Resource and the Redistribution of Decision Making Authority following Acquisitions
Subsidiary role ad skilled labour effects in small developed countries

Zugeordnete Tagungen/Workshops

Betriebswirtschaftlichen Brown-Bag-Seminar (Vorträge der Forschungssemester)
Betriebswirtschaftliches Brown-Bag-Seminar
HWR Forschungsergebnisse online präsentiert


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