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 Magone , José - Einzelansicht

  • Funktionen:
Nachname Magone Geschlecht männlich
Vorname José Sprechzeit
Namenszusatz Personalstatus Hochschullehrer(in)
Titel Prof. Dr. Bemerkung
Akad. Grad Status intern


Einrichtung Funktion von bis Ergänzung
Fachbereich 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften Professor(in)
Gesellschaftswissenschaften Professor(in)


PLZ 10825 Telefon +49 (0)30 30877-1163
Ort Berlin Fax
Straße Badensche Str. 50 - 51 E-Mail-Adresse jose.magone@hwr-berlin.de
Dienstzimmer B 4.35 Hyperlink
Gebäude Haus B (Badensche) Sekretariat
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Zugehörige Publikationen

Erscheinungsjahr 2023

The Americanization of the European Union Democracy Promotion .Ideology, Diversity, and United States Hegemony
Funktionen ausblenden weitere zugehörige Publikationen

Erscheinungsjahr 2022

Portugal: Political Developments and Data in 2021. An Election Year and the Dismissal of the Costa II Government

Erscheinungsjahr 2021

Constraining Democratic Governance in Southern Europe. From 'Superficial' to 'Coercive' Europeanization
Lola Solar
Portugal: Political Developments and Data in 2019

Erscheinungsjahr 2020

A Presidência rotativa do Conselho e a governança multinível europeia A peça chave no processo de decisão intergovernamental <portugisisch>
Portugal: Political Developments and Data in 2019
The Dissension over the Logic of European Cohesion Policy. The Core-Periphery Divide and the Impact of European Integration

Erscheinungsjahr 2019

Contemporary European Politics. A Comparative Introduction
Portugal: Political Developments and Data in 2018
The reasoning behind territorial governance in Portuguese spatial planning: The "EU Funding Absorption Game"
Walter Hallstein

Erscheinungsjahr 2018

Contemporary Spanish Politics. Third Edition
EU coordination in Portugal: Continuity and Flexibility in a Troika Regime
Portugal: Political development and data for 2017
With or without you: Mobilization strategies of Portuguese regional authorities in the European Union

Erscheinungsjahr 2017

A Governança dos Fundos Estruturais: Um Caso de Europeização Superficial
The Statecraft of Consensus Democracies in a Turbulent World. A Comparative Study of Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland

Erscheinungsjahr 2016

Core-Periphery Relations in the European Union. Power and Conflict in a Dualist Political Economy
Core-periphery relations in the European Union. Some conclusions
From 'superficial' to 'coercive' Europeanization in southern Europe. The lack of ownership of national reforms.
Portugal as the good pupil of the European Union. Living under regime of the Trojka.
The European Union as a dualist political economy. Understanding core-periphery relations
The politics of troika avoidance: the case of Spain

Erscheinungsjahr 2015

Introduction: The Great Transformation of European Politics:A holistic view
Routledge Handbook of European Politics
The Portuguese Presidency of the EU in 2000: An ambitious enterprise
The changing role of the rotating presidency oft he Council of the European Union: Setting the context for the study of the Iberian cases

Erscheinungsjahr 2014

Constructing a Regional Democratic Community in Europe: An Assessment of the Impact of European Organizations on Multilevel Governance after 1945
Differentiated Integration and Cleavage in the EU under Crisis Conditions
Divided Europe? Euroscepticism in Central , Eastern and Southern Europe
Politics in Contemporary Portugal. Democracy Evolving
Por uma cultura do compromisso em Portugal: Algumas observações comparativas com as democracias de consenso na Europa
Portugal Is Not Greece: Policy Responses to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Consequences for the Portuguese Political Economy

Erscheinungsjahr 2013

Living with the Eurocrisis in Southern Europe

Erscheinungsjahr 2012

Democrazia politica e regolazione sociale nell'Unione europea nell'incerta transizione globale: la pressione sull'Europa meridionale

Erscheinungsjahr 2011

Centre-Periphery conflict in the European Union? Europe 2020, the Southern European Model and the euro-crisis
European Debates and Varieties of Euroenthusiasm
Portugal: Local Democracy in a Small Centralized Republic
The Difficult Transformation of State and Public Administration in Portugal. Europeanization and the Persistence Of Neo-Patrimonialism

Erscheinungsjahr 2010

Contemporary European Politics - A Comparative Introduction
From "soft" power to "hard" power? The transformation of the common foreign and security policy, 1970-2009
The Role of the EEC in the Spanish, Portuguese and Greek Transitions

Erscheinungsjahr 2009

Buchrezension Hanley, D. / Loughlin, J. (Hg.): Political Parties in Spain., Cardiff University of Wales Press 2006
Contemporary Spanish Politics
Europe and Global Goverance
Europeismo Relutante do Estado Novo. Buchrenzension von Nicolau Andresen Leitao, Estado Novo, Democracia e Europa 1947-1986 (Lisboa: ICS 2007)
The multilevel strategies of Portuguese socio-economic actors in the EU

Zugeordnete Tagungen/Workshops

5. Forschungsforum der HWR Berlin
Vortragsreihe über die Ergebnisse eines Forschungssemesters


Einrichtungen Lehrkörperfunktionen
Gesellschaftswissenschaften Professoren


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