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Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development

This project is funded by the European Union under the FP7 grant agreement no. 266800
This project is funded by the European Union under the FP7 grant agreement no. 266800

Projektpersonal der HWR

Hein, Eckhard, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   
Herr, Hansjörg, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   
Betzelt, Sigrid, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   
Evans, Trevor, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   
Lorenzen, Stefanie, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   


University of Pannonia
Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
University of Siena
Tallin Technical Universitv
University of Leeds
University of Lund
University of the Basque Country
University of Athens
University of Witwatersrand
Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
Poznan University of Economics
Middle Eastern Technical Universitv
School of Oriental and African Studies
Pour la Solidarite



The research programme will integrate diverse levels, methods and disciplinary traditions with the aim of developing a comprehensive policy agenda for changing the role of the financial system to help achieve a future which is sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. The programme involves an integrated and balanced consortium involving partners from 15 countries that has unsurpassed experience of deploying diverse perspectives both within economics and across disciplines inclusive of economics. The programme is distinctively pluralistic, and aims to forge alliances across the social sciences, so as to understand how finance can better serve economic, social and environmental needs. The central issues addressed are the ways in which the growth and performance of economies in the last 30 years been dependent on the characteristics of the processes of financialisation; how has financialisation impacted on the achievement of specific economic, social, and environmental objectives?; the nature of the relationship between financialisation and the sustainability of the financial system, economic development and the environment?; the lessons to be drawn from the crisis about the nature and impacts of financialisation? ; what are the requisites of a financial system able to support a process of sustainable development, broadly conceived?


Geldgeber/-in Förderprogramm Freitext
EU Kommission | GD Forschung und Innovation 7. Rahmenprogramm / Cooperation


Projekttitel Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development
Akronym FESSUD
ausführlicher Projekttitel Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development
Projekttitel (English)
Laufzeit von 01.12.2011
Laufzeit bis 30.11.2016
HWR-interne Kostenträgernummer
Projekt-URL http://fessud.eu/
Projekttyp Verbundvorhaben
Rolle der HWR bei Verbundvorhaben Partner
ggf. Aktenzeichen/Förderkennzeichen des Mittelgebers
Status abgeschlossen
zur Veröffentlichung im Internet freigeben J
Änderungsdatum 15.12.2016 11:53:51

Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

Fachbereich 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Externe Dokumente

Name Dateiname
This project is funded by the European Union under the FP7 grant agreement no. 266800 fp7_EU_logo.bmp

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