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ATHENA - Accompanying Measure of PAXIS (The Pilot Action of Excellence on Innovative Start-ups) - the European Network of Excellence of innovative regions

Projektpersonal der HWR

Ripsas, Sven, Prof. Dr.   (Teil-Projektleiter/in)   


meta group
Ceram Sophia Antipolis
University of Lincoln
Existenzgründer Institut Berlin



Athena is part of the PAXIS initiative of the European Commission. PAXIS (Pilot Action of Excellence on Innovative Start-Ups) is managed by the Commission's Enterprise Directorate-General under the 6th Framework Programme, 'Research &Innovation Programme', and promotes the setting-up and development of innovative companies across Europe - a driving force for employment and economic growth. The PAXIS programme has two major objectives: - To boost the transfer of local and regional excellence in innovation - To have an instrument for the co-operation and the exchange of tacit knowledge and learning among local innovation stakeholders, profiting from each other's


Geldgeber/-in Förderprogramm Freitext
Europäische Kommission 6. Rahmenprogramm


Projekttitel ATHENA - Accompanying Measure of PAXIS (The Pilot Action of Excellence on Innovative Start-ups) - the European Network of Excellence of innovative regions
Akronym ATHENA
ausführlicher Projekttitel
Projekttitel (English)
Laufzeit von 01.01.2003
Laufzeit bis 31.12.2006
HWR-interne Kostenträgernummer D05009
Projekttyp Verbundvorhaben
Rolle der HWR bei Verbundvorhaben
ggf. Aktenzeichen/Förderkennzeichen des Mittelgebers
Status abgeschlossen
zur Veröffentlichung im Internet freigeben J
Änderungsdatum 20.10.2011 12:56:15
Links ausführliche Projektbeschreibung

Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen

Fachbereich 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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