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Modul-Titel (Original):
Prüfung [541004] Kollektives Arbeitsrecht Prüfungsform [Ko] Kombinierte Prüfung
Studiengang [ALL] LVn FB1 oder SG Prüfungsart [FP] Fachprüfung
Credits 3.25 Pflichtkennzeichen [WP] Wahlpflichtfach
Modulverantwortliche/-r Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lorenzen


Seminaristischer Unterricht (Kontaktzeit 32 std.), face-to-face


- Co-determination on works level (outsourcing and restructuring, data protection, compliance)
- "Transfer of Undertakings" in EU and German law
- Co-determination on the enterprise level
- Collective bargaining on national, European and international level
- Current issues of industrial relations


Gamillscheg: Kollektives Arbeitsrecht Bd. II: Betriebsverfassung
Hromadka/Maschmann, Arbeitsrecht Bd. 2, Kollektivarbeitsrecht
Junker: Grundkurs Arbeitsrecht
Richardi: Kollektives Arbeitsrecht

Fachliche Voraussetzungen

Knowledge of German Employment and Labour Law

Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

Participants will broaden their knowledge of employment law as an operative issue of Human Resource Management and understand various forms and newest developments in German Labour Law.

Concerning German Labour Law the students will deepen their knowledge of co-determination law on the company level (Betriebsverfassungsrecht), collective bargaining (Tarifrecht) and co-determination on the enterprise level (Unternehmensmitbestimmung).
- The students will learn about the legal side of current issues of human resources such as outsourcing and restructuring, compliance or data protection. They can judge which possibilities the 
   works council and works management have, and what a typical works agreement regulates.
- The students will discover and use the legal provisions applying across the EU when businesses are restructured. They will understand and reflect the German transfer of undertaking
  (Betriebsübergang), transposing EU into national law.
- Students will be able to judge what distinquishes a collective bargaining agreement from a works agreement.
- They can appraise current developments in industrial relations.
- They understand the rules on co-determination on enterprise level, and they recognize the typical interests involved.
- They are able to propose feasible legal solutions in different areas of German labour law.
- The students will learn to improve their legal research qualities, and communicate their working results to the group.

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Course unit is delivered in first semester.

Useful for second semester course "Vertragliche Gestaltung im Arbeitsrecht, 543001"
Used in the Master Programme "International Business and Consulting" as course "Corporate Employment Law, 563092"


Module 541093 und 541004 bilden eine Einheit.
Name der/des Hochschullehrer/s der Lehrveranstaltungen: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lorenzen.