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Semester: SoSe 2023

Sammelbandbeitrag bearbeiten

Re-cession or He-cession - gender dimensions of economic crisis and economic policy  (  Sammelbandbeitrag  ) 
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<p>The devastating economic and financial crisis has revealed the limitations of financial capitalism and opened up a window of opportunity to propose and implement progressive reforms. Against this background the European Trade Union Institute has brought together critical and progressive academics and researchers from Europe and the United States to help launch a debate on setting an agenda for a reformed capitalism ‘after the crisis’. A total of 39 contributors provide concise, policy-oriented proposals, each one focusing on a specific area of relevance to a post-crisis world. The 39 contributions to this book are divided into four thematic sections. The first deals with financial market re-regulation; the second with labour market and social policies for more equality, social justice and good jobs for all; the third with macroeconomic policy reform and coordination; while the fourth covers institutional complementarities and issues raised by the imperative of ecologically sustainable growth. Common to them all is the recognition that the crisis was more than a failure of financial markets and that a broad agenda of change is needed to address fundamental economic, social and ecological problems inherent in the existing growth model.</p>
Anzahl Zeichen: 1284