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Semester: SoSe 2023

Sammelbandbeitrag bearbeiten

Fiscal policy in the macroeconomic policy mix: A critique of the New Consensus Model and a comparison of macroeconomic policies in France, Germany, the UK and Sweden from a Post-Keynesian perspective  (  Sammelbandbeitrag  ) 
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<p>‘The volume Credit, Money and Macroeconomic Policy edited by Claude Gnos and Louis-Philippe Rochon, represents a most important contribution to our understanding of the nature and role of credit and money in modern economies. It deals with some of the most pressing issues of our time; as such it constitutes an invaluable guide for the comprehension of the effects of the last twenty years of inflation targeting policies.’<br /> – Giuseppe Fontana, University of Leeds, UK and University of Sannio, Italy<br /> <br /> With recent turmoil in financial markets around the world, this unique and up-to-date book addresses a number of challenging issues regarding monetary policy, financial markets and macroeconomic policy.<br /> <br /> While some of the chapters address the recent crisis as well as adjustments to the Basel Accord, others analyse the required changes to the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies. The distinguished authors offer an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of macroeconomics and provide alternative policies to deal with a number of persistent modern-day problems.<br /> <br /> Offering an interesting analysis of current economic issues from a Post-Keynesian perspective, this book will appeal to academics and graduate students of macroeconomics and financial markets.</p>
Anzahl Zeichen: 1387