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Modul-Titel (Original):
Prüfung [683094] Selected Issues in Supply Chain and Operations Management Prüfungsform [Ko] Kombinierte Prüfung
Studiengang [ALL] LVn FB1 oder SG Prüfungsart [FP] Fachprüfung
Credits 6.5 Pflichtkennzeichen [WP] Wahlpflichtfach
Modulverantwortliche/-r Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov


Master Pool Electives


Using the quantitative and best practice methodologies, this course will explore the management of the supply chains and operations through the selected topics of networking, distribution, manufacturing, procurement and related topics. Selected topics covered in the lecture and group work may include sustainable supply chain management (SCM), factory planning and Industry 4.0, intelligent transportation systems, supply chain simulation and optimization, supply chain risk management, etc.




The lecture sets out with supply chain and operations (SCOM) fundamentals. Moreover, topics relating to supply chain strategy and supply chain coordination can be covered.

Based on this foundation, SCOM problems on different decision levels are introduced, and selected solution methodologies are presented.

The group work allows students to apply the concepts and solution methods presented in the lecture to selected current SCOM problems, e.g. in the field of sustainable SCM.


Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2021) Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A decision-oriented introduction into the creation of value, Springer, 3rd Edition

Chopra S (2018) Supply Chain Management. Strategy, planning and operation. Pearson, 7/e

McKinnon A., Browne M., Whiteing A., Piecyk M. (Eds.) (2015) Green Logistics Improving the environmental sustainability of logistics, 3rd edition, Kogan Page.

Heizer J., Render B., Munson C (2019) Operations Management, 13th Ed., Pearson


Das A. (2016) An Introduction to Operations Management, Routledge.

Christoper, M. (2011): Logistics and supply chain management Creating value-adding networks. 4th ed. (Prentice Hall / Pearson) Harlow

Slack N, Brandon-Jones A (2019) Operations management, 9th edn. Pearson, Harlow

Stadtler, H. / Kilger, C./ Meyr H. (eds.) (2015): Supply chain management and advanced planning. 5th ed. (Springer) Berlin / Heidelberg

Cachon C, Terwiesch C (2020) Operations management, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, Boston

Bowersox, D.J. / Closs, D.J. / Copper, M.B. (2012): Supply chain logistics management. 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill) Boston et al

Fachliche Voraussetzungen

Basic knowledge of supply chain management issues

Lehrmethode und SWS

Seminar (4 SWS; contact time: 64 h, face-to-face, day and evening courses)

Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

Depending on the course content in a particular semester, after successful completion of the module, students will have acquired the following competencies:

Content oriented learning outcomes:

ILO 1: The students will be able to recall and describe major principles and methods in supply chain and operations management and how value is created in global supply chains.

ILO 2: The students can apply selected quantitative decisions-making tools for supply chain and operations management.

ILO 3: The students can critically analyze theoretical methods and concepts with respect to their applicability in practice and transfer the solving methods to new problems.

Skill oriented learning outcomes:

ILO 4: The students can determine a real practice based problem and decide on problem solving methodology

ILO 5: The students are able to asses how qualitative and quantitative supply chain management techniques can help in solving the identified problem

ILO 6: The students can present their finding orally in front of a large group (presentation)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Preparation for master's thesis

Programs: all Master programs of FB I except for GSCOM master


Type of course unit: elective.

Verification of competence acquisition:

The assessment consists of two parts: a written examination of 60 minutes (counts 50%) plus a presentation (counts 50%) or a written assignment (2.000 words per student; counts 50%) on a topic from a selected field of supply chain and operations management (SCOM). Thus, it is a combined examination.

Part 1, the written examination consists of several problem blocks covering the contents of the lecture, which test different areas of knowledge and competencies.

  • Knowledge questions require students to describe major definitions, concepts or principles of supply chain and operations management. Thus, knowledge about and correct understanding of these is examined. (ILO 1)

  • Problems containing mathematical analysis of case examples test the ability to solve problems using quantitative decisions-making tools, and transfer the methods to new problems. (ILO 2, ILO 3)

Part 2, covers a current topic from the selected field of SCOM, which will be presented either as a written report (written assignment) or in the oral form in class (presentation). Students work on this case study in groups.

  • The group work on a current SCOM problem tests the students’ ability analyze a real practice based problem and select an adequate problem solving methodology (ILO 4, ILO 5).

  • The presentation of the results assesses the students’ ability to present in front of a larger group (ILO 6).

Retake examinations will be held as combined examinations (CE) or oral examinations (OE).