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Modul-Titel (Original):
Prüfung [681098] International Strategic Management Prüfungsform [Ko] Kombinierte Prüfung
Studiengang [ALL] LVn FB1 oder SG Prüfungsart [FP] Fachprüfung
Credits 6.5 Pflichtkennzeichen [WP] Wahlpflichtfach
Modulverantwortliche/-r Prof. Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer


Master Pool Electives


Seminar with lectures, in-class exercises, case study work and student presentations
Special features: The course invites guest speakers from academia and business


The course will provide first a short introduction into the basics of strategy. Then canonical knowledge about international strategy and international strategy tools is taught. Next, the methodological foundations for crafting academically sound literature reviews are laid. This is followed by an in-depth treatment of selected up-to date themes in international strategic management.


Tallman, S. (2009) Global Strategy, Global Dimensions of Strategy, Wiley: Chicester
plus selected academic papers and case studies

Fachliche Voraussetzungen

Basic knowledge of strategic management issues

Lehrmethode und SWS

Seminar (Contact time: 64 hrs), mostly face-to-face, some on-line consulting

Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

The aim of this master course is to link up student's previous knowledge on strategic issues to contemporary academic debates in international strategic management.
After completion of the course students should
• have an in-depth understanding of the strategy process and the peculiarities of international strategy
• be able to apply specific tools in international strategic management e.g. tools for market or entry form selection
• have an overview on the state of the art of selected contemporary academic debates in international strategic management
• should have in-dept understanding of one the contemporary academic debates in international strategic management
• be able to craft methodologically sound literature reviews

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Preparation for the master's thesis. Programmes: All master's programmes of FB 1


Type of course unit: elective/optional. Assessment methods and criteria: combined examination (50% of the overall grade is by a 90 minutes mid term exam, 40% by a term paper that takes the form of a literature review, 10 % is by the presentation of a term paper outline). Name of lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Dörrenbächer.