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Modul-Titel (Original):
Prüfung [202093] Communication Strategies and Consumer Behaviour Prüfungsform [Ko] Kombinierte Prüfung
Studiengang [ALL] LVn FB1 oder SG Prüfungsart [FP] Fachprüfung
Credits 5 Pflichtkennzeichen [WP] Wahlpflichtfach
Modulverantwortliche/-r Prof. Dr. Pakize Schuchert-Güler, Prof. Dr. Dirk-Mario Boltz


Specialisation Marketing-Management


The course aims to convey the relevant theoretical approaches of consumer behavior and communication policy. The students gain an insight into the purchasing decision processes of individuals and organizations and the associated perception, learning and decision-making processes. The course explains the mechanisms of action of the different communication tools and the planning process (analysis, strategy, implementation, control). In addition, developmental tendencies and practical examples are presented.




1. Buying behavior - relevance and characteristics of the buyer behavior
2. Purchasing decisions of consumers and organizations
3. Reference framework for the analysis of purchasing processes among consumers
4. Individual starting conditions of the purchase behavior
4.1 Activating processes
4.2 Cognitive processes
Knowledge of consumers and their origins
Orientation and goals of consumers
4.3 Consistent personal characteristics of the consumer
Demographic factors
4.4 External influence factors of consumer behavior
Economically influenced factors
Social influencing factors
Situational influencing factors
Influencing through communication policy
5. Communication policy
5.1 Buying behavior and communication policy
5.2 Fundamentals and importance of communication policy
5.3 Communication policy instruments
5.4 Process of communication and advertising
5.5 Planning of communication policy
5.6 Monitoring the success of communication policy
6. Ethical and moral aspects of communication policy and buyer behavior


Solomon, M./Barnossy, G./Askegaard, S./Hogg, M.: Consumer Behavior. A European Perspective, Pearson Longman, 5th edition. London.

Salomon, M. (2014). Consumer Behavior. Buying, Having, and Being, Global Edition. 11th edition. Boston.

Armstrong, G., Kotler, P. (2013). Priniciples of Marketing.15th edition. Boston.

Fachliche Voraussetzungen

Only students with knowledge in "Marketing-Basics" - to be proven by a minimum 5 ECTS-points course certificate - are admitted.
For those who do not fulfill this admission requirement it is suggested to attend HWR course "Marketing 200 103/200 193". In case of admission, a corresponding document must be submitted.


Lehrmethode und SWS

Seminar (4 SWS, contact time: 60 hrs, face-to-face, day and evening courses)

Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzen

After successfully completing this module, students can:

ILO 1 Explain and critically assess the relevant theories of communication policy and the behavior of buyers, and illustrate their application in practice
ILO 2 Recognize and analyze perceptual and processing processes among consumers
ILO 3 Reproduce the influencing factors of buying behavior and apply them to the development of communication strategies
ILO 4 Distinguish correctly different instruments of the communication policy and justify and evaluate them in the context of the overall marketing strategy.
ILO 5 Control independently the process of communication analysis, design, implementation
ILO 6 Collect, evaluate and interpret current and relevant information on buyer behavior and on communication policy
ILO 7 Present the results of their analysis and conceptual work in a focussed manner
ILO 8 Integrate diversity and gender aspects into the analysis

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Prerequisite for further modules of this specialisation, preparation for thesis, precondition for master program with marketing focus.

Programs: Business Administration, IBAEX, DFS, Economics, IBMAN, Unternehmensgründung und -nachfolge.


Verification of competence acquisition:

It is a combined examination of presentation (40%) and written exam or assignment (60%).

Presentation: Presentation and critical analysis of current empirical research results and / or practical communication campaigns in the form of group work (ILO 2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Written Exam (90 min.)/Assignment (3,000-6,000 words): theoretical questions (ILO 1), reflection questions and small case studies (ILO 3, 4)